Friday, May 5, 2017

Reputable Sources

            In my argument, I am talking about the Math Emporium at Virginia Tech and why it should no longer hold classes. Since the Math Empo is a local thing, it was not easy to find reputable sources, but I used Google to find a couple. The first source I found was an article written by a former Virginia Tech student. In his article, he talks about the Math Empo and why it is overall a bad idea. To make it reputable, he includes his research from interviewing other students about their experiences at the Empo. It is useful to include because it helps to see the opinions of other students. One of the quotes is, “one does not develop any analytical reasoning from guessing which multiple choice answer matches your solution, or learning the tricks to passing the course questions.”
The MLA citation for this source is:
Wees, David. "The Math Emporium- the Walmart of Higher Education." The Reflective Educator. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 May 2017.

            Another source that I found was from Collegiate Times. This is another article, but it is by a business student at Virginia Tech who has taken classes at the math Emporium. This is just another way to further prove that many other students disagree with having classes at the Empo. One of his quotes that I find important to include is, “it is almost as though the writers thought that if we looked at a picture and read a few sentences, then we will all automatically have an epiphany.” This is effective because it shows that many other students feel the same way about the Math Emporium, which shows that classes should be canceled since so many people dislike it. The MLA citation is:
Turk, Ryan. "Math emporium needs reevaluating." CollegiateTimes. N.p., Oct. 2012. Web. Apr. 2017. < reevaluating/article_98237306-6439-58ae-8e05-d27df0f9e33f.html >.

            I also spoke to a couple of current students: one in a Math Emporium class and one who was in an Empo class but is now in a math class with a professor. In addition, I talked to someone who works at the Math Empo explaining why it is useful.

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