Our group’s chip company is
sticking with the name of G-Ma’s Salty Potato Chips. We think it is important
to include grandma in our product because many people associate good cooking
with grandmas. To make sure we emphasize the importance of grandma in our
product, our motto is “Recipe as old as G-Ma herself!” This slogan is humorous,
but it also shows that our chips stick to tradition and have been made the same
way for over 70 years. Our logo furthers the importance of grandma by including
a picture of her on a chip. We really want to emphasize the fact that our chip
is all-natural. There are only three ingredients in our chips, which are salt,
potatoes, and oil. Something that we are using to set aside our chip from many
other chips on the market, is the fact that our bag is biodegradable. Not only
are our chips made simply with natural flavors, but they are ecofriendly as
well. Our chip bag will be brown and green to further the natural vibe of our
chip. The logo will be in the middle, with “G-Ma’s Salty Potato Chips” at the
top and our slogan on the bottom. On the back of our bag, we make sure to
include a very simple “recipe” in three short steps to show again how simply-made
the chips are. Our print ad is a notepad that is supposed to look like G-Ma wrote
it herself, which gives it a homemade-style feeling, going back to associating
grandma with good cooking. It is grandma’s checklist, showing once again how
simple the chips are and how few ingredients there are. The commercial will
start with grandma in the kitchen making the chips with her three ingredients,
and then bringing them out to her two grandchildren. The grandkids will love
the chips and ask what the secret to the great taste is, and grandma says,
“sometimes simple is best.” Overall, our focus is on grandma and the tradition
of the recipe, as well as the simplicity and naturalness of the recipe. We
think that the ecofriendly, home-cooked, and naturally made points in our
campaign will make it effective.
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